
Here’s the place where I write about non-fiction things. Sometimes about writing, mostly about pop culture – you know, movies, television, literature, what have you – and occasionally the topics can be a little out of left field.

My Favorite Pop Culture Things from 2023

I know, I know, it’s already March, can we please give up 2023 and memory hole it already? How dare I try to talk about last year this late in the game. Well, truthfully, I wasn’t planning on releasing this. I did one last year and wanted to do a follow-up, but I tried writing…

The Marvels Commitment Problem

The Marvels was not a good movie. You know that. I know you know that. We don’t need to go over all the ways it wasn’t good again. I will say it was better than Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania but that bar is so low demons in hell have ripped the bar off the…

My Favorite Final Fantasy Game

Final Fantasy XV came out in 2016 but I’m talking about it now because I just purchased the Windows Edition on Steam and I am still in the purest, most wholesome love with this game. I want to take it to the drive-in and then sit chastely in the front seat, holding hands over the…

How I Learned to Start Worrying…

I don’t think they teach about nuclear bombs correctly in American schools. And I don’t know whose fault that is. If you’re American, do you remember when that first came up? I mean, if you’re not American, same question. I only specify American schools because that’s my experience and I can’t nor want to generalize…

Prestige TV is Killing Me

I’m old enough that I can actually remember the change in television beginning in the early 2000s, and what television was like before it. Mainly: it was… Okay, I guess bad isn’t exactly the correct word, because there was some good shit going on. But even the good shit was wrapped up in the way…

I Am Not Immune to Propaganda

I don’t usually write about internet drama because a) that’s not really what I do here and b) I’m always paranoid about attracting the wrong sort of attention. I’m just a little guy, over here in my corner writing up my weird stories and random thoughts about popular culture, I don’t need any heat. But…

Some Thoughts On Christmas Songs

Christmas is the Time to Say I Love You The year is 1981 and Billy Squier has had exactly two Billboard hits, and only one has survived into the twentieth-century: “The Stroke.” Which, while an absolute banger, includes lines like ‘keep your contributions by your side,’ and ‘work your way right into my face.’ Like,…

I Hate Lily From Duolingo

How do you say ‘I don’t need your attitude’ in any language ever? Asking for a friend.

Maybe You Should Play Death Stranding

Hey, did you see the trailer for Death Stranding 2 (working title) that dropped at the Game of the Year Awards a couple months back? If you haven’t played Death Stranding then you probably had no idea what was going on. Well, good news! I did play Death Stranding and I was pretty fucking lost,…

My Favorites Pop Culture Things from 2022

Notable Mentions: The Morbius memes tricking Sony into re-releasing the movie and then it bombing again; Goncharov; and The Game of the Year Awards letting me know my 2023 is effectively shot.

Andor: Taking Fun Seriously

If I wanted to watch a bunch of twelve years olds losing their minds because they were holding lightsabers I’d go to Galaxy’s Edge.

What I Want in Video Games

If I did as much light jogging in my real life as I do in video games I’d be able to crush a walnut between my calves.

You’re Getting Florida Wrong: Hurricane Edition

When your whole town floods, you don’t have to worry about alligators or sharks. They’re chill. Worry about the Burmese pythons assholes dumped in the Everglades. They’ll fuck you up.

You’re Getting Florida Wrong

Hollywood: Every Floridian knows when you’re trying to pass off Southern California as Florida, okay? It’s the palm trees.

I Am Not Okay

Don’t ever look up videos of humans with rabies. Just…don’t.

Pantsing Vs Plotting

The difference between setting yourself on fire from the minute you sit down to planning exactly when you will set yourself on fire. Or something. No one should listen to me.

My Favorite Video Game Music

Runner up to the list is definitely the Final Fantasy Victory Fanfare, but specifically when Prompto sings it in XV.

Do You Taste Metal? Inevitability and the Emotions of HBO’s Chernobyl

Besides vaguely describing a scene in the first episode there are no spoilers present for the show. Unless you don’t actually know what happened in Chernobyl in the first place. I got around to watching HBO’s 2019 miniseries Chernobyl, and of course I went about it like an absolute buffoon. My husband didn’t want to…

The Best Dads in the MCU, Part 3

One’s a good dad but a better Dad Friend, and the other is not only the best dad but also potentially one of the best people? I don’t know, you decide.

The Best Dads in the MCU. Part 2.

Who’s a better dad than Frank Castle? Well, I mean, a lot of people, honestly. But specifically today we’re talking about two very FAR OUT dads.

The Best Dads in the MCU. Part 1.

You’ll Never Guess Who Numblarghabdlarhabdh. Sorry. I just threw up in my mouth a little. It’s Frank Castle. Frank Castle is number 5, come find out why.

Things I Want From the Wheel of Time Show

Paul Rudd should be Tam Al’thor. Because Tam is basically one of the best people in the books and should be represented as such. Also, Lil Sebastian as Bella?

Discover Yourself Through Writing Short Stories

Way back in the bad old days of the late 2000s, I was an idiot college student trying to get an English degree with no idea that the economy was going to collapse a few months before I graduated. I mean, I also had no idea what I wanted to do with an English degree…

Subtle Pressure to Get You to Read Short Stories

I’m always consistently shocked when someone tells me they don’t like short stories. I know that doesn’t sound like a conversation that can come up a lot. I sound like some NASA douche at a party half-drunk on wine coolers and slurring at a friend of a friend’s neighbor I’ve managed to pin to the…

Live from Wheel of Time: Sexism? In My High Fantasy?

Spoilers for the series ahead. Let’s start this off with a simple message: I Am Not Saying Robert Jordan Was Sexist In fact, as I pointed out in another article, there are a lot of feminist aspects about the book that I really enjoyed. Hell, here’s one I missed: an Aes Sedai named Leane Sharif…

Live from Wheel of Time: The Seanchan Are the Absolute Worst

Spoilers throughout for the entire series, including the ending. As I discussed in a previous article, Robert Jordan’s worldbuilding in The Wheel of Time series is a masterclass on creating an entire continent filled with different, cohesive peoples and having them interact. The number one reason anyone who wants to write fantasy, especially a sprawling…

Live from Wheel of Time: Things I Didn’t Like

I already wrote about some of the things I liked about Wheel of Time. Definitely not all the things I like about the series, but I was bumping up to two thousand words and not everyone gets ten thousand words to make a point. Now that I’ve mentioned it… Today I Was Wearing a Black…

Lessons from Wheel of Time: Things I Liked

I don’t remember precisely when I started reading these books, but it’s been, like, five years. I wanted a super-long, super-involved fantasy series, and I was initially hesitant to read them for absolutely no good reason. None. I can’t be the only one who just hears about something and immediately shuts down, right? Like, I’m…

Said Isn’t Dead

If you use Pinterest at all for writing topics, I’m sure you’ve seen these pins come up. They’re always in some cutesy font and usually with little tombstones (subtle) and come with a huge list of words you should use instead of ‘said.’ If you’ve ever paid attention to these, though, you’ll notice that none…

Fuck It, Let’s Remake Sliders

Last summer, I made arguments that the shows Lost and Dollhouse deserved remakes, albeit with some major caveats. Lost needs a lot of work, but mostly that work consisted of ‘tighten that shit up.’ Nobody needs a whole God damned episode about how someone got their tattoos. Dollhouse mostly needs to be freed from the…

90’s TV: The End of a Terrible Era

Okay, so, what happened is that I wanted to write about remaking a 90’s show (spoiler alert: It was Sliders), but as I was writing it I realized I should explain how 90’s television functioned to people who don’t remember, and then that segment got way too long so here we are. Basically, 90’s television…

Shared Solitude

This is the story of how I almost cried at the movies. This is not the story of how I did cry at the movies, although those stories do exist and are, in fact, numerous. I didn’t use to be so emotional. I have to say I was a pretty fucking stoic teenage girl. And…

Solarpunk: Chicken Soup for the Climate Catastrophe Soul

Hey, you guys hear about the billionaire space race? You know, all those billionaires spending millions of dollars to replace their dicks with rockets and then skimming the earth’s atmosphere and calling it space or shooting a car into space or, and let’s be real, probably a lot of secret space stuff we’re not told…

How To Explain the Internet to People Who Don’t Live There

Let’s be honest: It’s a scary world out there. Climate change. Global political unrest. A billionaire corporate class wielding late-stage capitalism as a weapon to strip both the planet and humanity at large of its lifeblood. Bears. But all of that put together doesn’t even touch the unhinged moral depravity planted in the nightmare garden…

Writing Tips for Beginners, From a Long-Time Amateur

Let’s Get the One I Hate Hearing Out of the Way First – Just Write Yeah, super hate hearing this one all the time. But it’s true, and that makes me hate it even more. God, it just sounds so…so…smug. Like, I immediately want to react with that Spongebob Meme: jUsT wRiTe. Like, I’m asking…

Every Writer Should Know the Moth Joke

On Wednesday, I told The Moth Joke and gave credit to Norm MacDonald at the bottom. The meat of the joke was all mine, but the general structure of the joke can be traced to an appearance Norm MacDonald made on one of Conan O’Brien’s shows, I think Late Night: Okay, so to start: Hi,…

The Tao of Pots

There’s a story that goes like this: There’s this college art professor. I don’t know what college and I don’t know what kind of art, except the assignment is to make pots, so…ceramics? Pottery? Ghost appreciation? I don’t know, I didn’t take any art classes in college. Unless you count writing, which most people don’t,…

RDR2 for R&R

Serious spoilers below, so if you’ve somehow made it this long not playing RDR2 and still know nothing about it and still want to play it spoiler-free, you should probably leave. But not before telling me how you’ve remained spoiler-free for so long while living on the internet. I haven’t seen anything beyond the first…

Hot Take: Movies Are Pretty Good, Actually

Fuck, I miss the movies. There seems to be this idea, among people who consider themselves casual movie watchers, that if someone says they are really into movies they must mean they watch sophisticated movies. Oscar nominations. Film festival indies. Black and white classics. Silent films. Like there’s an entire mahogany shelf in the middle…

Wanda’s AU Fanfic

Spoilers for the first four episodes of WandaVision. Proceed past the Spoiler Chocobo at your own risk. Listen, I have had a first class ticket to the MCU hype train since The Avengers. The only one of these things I haven’t seen in theaters is Iron Man 2, and I guess that Hulk movie from…

Nobody Offered Us Any Figgy Pudding

When I was a child, my family went caroling. Okay, so I wasn’t so much ‘a child’ as I was ‘in high school and college.’ But come on, look how sweet and cozy that sentence looks. ‘When I was a child, my family went caroling.’ A sentence like that is either at the beginning of…

Why Are Cats, Even

Why the fuck are cats, anyway? No, I don’t mean the movie based on the musical. I didn’t see that, and if you did, that’s a ‘you’ problem. I just mean, like…cats. The animal. You know, soft and squishy but with a lot of sharp and pointy parts. Yells a lot. Chews on things. Loves…

Evil Cosmic Entity Dressed as a Clown of the Morning

I’m ninety-eight percent sure everybody involved in this movie was high as balls the entire time. It Chapter Two is complete chaos. The director, Andy “What Are Frogs” Muschietti, has stated that he doesn’t want the second movie to be seen as a sequel, but rather the second half of a complete movie, like Kill…

The Next Right Thing

Spoilers for Frozen II. I like Frozen. I love Frozen II. And of course I love both of Elsa’s songs. “Into the Unknown” is a fun, energizing call to adventure, and I still have not gotten through “Show Yourself” without crying at least once, usually when she starts the duet part with her mother but…

Hereditary Might Have Done Permanent Damage

Fuck, I miss going to the movies. My husband and I love horror movies. It’s actually how we started dating. It Follows had come out and neither of us knew anyone else who wanted to see it, so we went together. It turned out to be the best movie to see on a first date,…

My Favorite Disney Remake

There isn’t anything left to be said about this new Mulan remake, and I haven’t even seen it. I pretty much checked out of the whole thing early on, once news came that they were stripping this new version of both “I’ll Make a Man Out of You,” one of the greatest Disney musical numbers…

Someone Please Remake Dollhouse

Remaking Dollhouse is not the same as remaking Lost because Dollhouse is already a good show. Great, maybe. It was a two season sci-fi show that never seemed to get a lot of attention, potentially because everyone was still pining for Joss Whedon’s previous project Firefly, also unceremoniously cancelled by Fox who, just like your…

The Case for a LOST Remake

Just to catch everyone up real quick, Lost was a vaguely fantasy drama that ran on ABC from 2004 to 2010. It featured a cast of roughly three dozen people, shifting timelines, a smoke monster, ‘the others,’ a hippy commune that didn’t really seem to get hippies, a really concerning lack of communication, a never…

Music Videos in the Twenty-Tens

The Mayans did not predict the end of the world in 2012. Their calendar system was cyclical, so the date 12/21/12 was not meant to be the end, but a transition into the next cycle. Not the end of days, but a new era. And fuck me if the past decade hasn’t felt like a…

Music Videos in the Nineties

“I’d Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That),” by Meat Loaf Yeah, I’m pretty sure Meat Loaf is the human equivalent of a community theater production of Phantom of the Opera. The story of the video is vaguely ‘beauty and the beast,’ just with a lot more motorcycles and helicopters and power chords.…

Music Videos in the Eighties

There is an evolution to music videos. In the beginning, no one knew what the fuck they were doing, and it was great. Here are some of my favorite music videos from the eighties. “Young Turks” by Rod Stewart Okay, so, obviously music videos as we know them started in the eighties. Prior to MTV…

Seeking a Friend for the End of Hyrule

his is going to be the first in a series where I talk about my favorite scene from the video games I have played. As I only got into video games at the end of 2016, this won’t be long. The Best Cut will air the last Friday of every month until I run out…

The Dark Tower of Ass

Spoilers, hey. Okay, so, this isn’t so much a review of Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series, but a brief look at why I hate every single word in all seven books. Hate. Hate. I hate these books like I hate the Nazis. I hate these books so much Emperor Palpatine is somewhere in space…

The Appeal of the Apocalypse

When you hear the word ‘apocalypse’ you might think of the end of days. A meteor the size of Puerto Rico slams into the earth. Jerk-off scientists in some underground lab make the Rage Virus and unleash the kind of zombies that can run (it would have to be that kind of zombies. Most of…


I’ve been getting in trouble for swearing since pre-school. One of my first memories is standing in front of my mother in the middle of summer, and I must have been…three? Four? Something like that. And I was sweating. And I wanted to say ‘I’m sweating like a pig.’ But I was a stupid little…

What to Expect When Shaving Your Head

So, about three months ago, I’m in the shower and I’m washing my hair. I’d gotten it dyed red and pink about two weeks before the country realized just how badly we’d all been lied to about the coronavirus and everything had started systematically shutting down. I was working from home. The only people getting…

Different Views, Same World

Let’s play a game, shall we? A game…of imagination (here I’m waving my hands). No, get back here, I’m not done with you, yet. I’ll stop. Now, imagine you’re a child born into a bitter dystopia. Like, real dark sci-fi shit. You’re living in a society on a distant planet, and from the first moment…

Let’s Talk About the Spanish Flu

Shall we? You know, because I want to. For no other reason. At all. It didn’t start in Spain. No one’s really sure where it started, but the first reported case was at a military base in Kansas. ‘Spanish Flu’ and ‘Florida Man’ actually have very similar origin stories: freedom of the press. The same…


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