My Favorite Pop Culture Things from 2023

I know, I know, it’s already March, can we please give up 2023 and memory hole it already? How dare I try to talk about last year this late in the game. Well, truthfully, I wasn’t planning on releasing this. I did one last year and wanted to do a follow-up, but I tried writingContinue reading “My Favorite Pop Culture Things from 2023”

The Marvels Commitment Problem

The Marvels was not a good movie. You know that. I know you know that. We don’t need to go over all the ways it wasn’t good again. I will say it was better than Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania but that bar is so low demons in hell have ripped the bar off theContinue reading “The Marvels Commitment Problem”

My Favorite Final Fantasy Game

Final Fantasy XV came out in 2016 but I’m talking about it now because I just purchased the Windows Edition on Steam and I am still in the purest, most wholesome love with this game. I want to take it to the drive-in and then sit chastely in the front seat, holding hands over theContinue reading “My Favorite Final Fantasy Game”

How I Learned to Start Worrying…

I don’t think they teach about nuclear bombs correctly in American schools. And I don’t know whose fault that is. If you’re American, do you remember when that first came up? I mean, if you’re not American, same question. I only specify American schools because that’s my experience and I can’t nor want to generalizeContinue reading “How I Learned to Start Worrying…”

Prestige TV is Killing Me

I’m old enough that I can actually remember the change in television beginning in the early 2000s, and what television was like before it. Mainly: it was… Okay, I guess bad isn’t exactly the correct word, because there was some good shit going on. But even the good shit was wrapped up in the wayContinue reading “Prestige TV is Killing Me”

I Am Not Immune to Propaganda

I don’t usually write about internet drama because a) that’s not really what I do here and b) I’m always paranoid about attracting the wrong sort of attention. I’m just a little guy, over here in my corner writing up my weird stories and random thoughts about popular culture, I don’t need any heat. ButContinue reading “I Am Not Immune to Propaganda”

Some Thoughts On Christmas Songs

Christmas is the Time to Say I Love You The year is 1981 and Billy Squier has had exactly two Billboard hits, and only one has survived into the twentieth-century: “The Stroke.” Which, while an absolute banger, includes lines like ‘keep your contributions by your side,’ and ‘work your way right into my face.’ Like,Continue reading “Some Thoughts On Christmas Songs”